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MDew Boron E


MDew Boron E (Boron ethanolamine) is a liquid foliar fertilizer that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop, rich in Boron, specially developed as a source of this element. Its application stimulates the growth of cambium tissues and apical meristems, promotes calcium mobility and assimilation, and also the production of pollen and fertilization. Boron ethanolamine is recommended as a complementary source of Boron for crops which need large inputs of this nutrient. It is also recommended for the preventive and curative control of insufficiency states due to deficiency or imbalance in the assimilation of Boron. Boron ethanolamine fertilizers, which are within the trace element boron. It is an important micronutrient source for plants. Liquid and produced in powder form. Boron ethanolamine fertilizer can used from dripping and leaves.

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Brands: MonDew



Fruit vegetables 250 – 300 cc/100l 1 – 3 applications from transplanting
Leaf vegetables 250 – 300 cc/100l 1 – 3 applications from transplanting
Citrus and subtropical crops 250 – 500 cc/100l 2 – 3 applications, post-blooming, and petals fall
Fruit trees, olive trees and vines 250 – 500 cc/100l 2 – 3 applications, post-blooming, and setting
Extensive and ornamental 250 – 300 cc/100l 4 – 6 applications after each cut
Fertigation Apply 1 – 2 l/ha and application


Particulars                   Parameters
Boron(as B),percent by weight, minimum 10
pH 8.5 ± 1
Specific gravity 1.3 – 1.4
Lead (as Pb) percent by weight, maxmium 0.003
Cadmium (as Cd) percent by weight, maxmium 0.0025
Arsenic (as As) percent by weight, maxmium 0.01


100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltr.


  1. It is a water-soluble suspension of 10BoronEthanolamine that is quickly absorbed and assimilated by the crop.
  2. Its application stimulates the growth of cambium tissues and apical meristems, promotes calcium mobility and assimilation, and also the production of pollen and fertilization.
  3. It is used to prevent and, if necessary, correct alterations caused by deficiency or imbalance in the assimilation of this micronutrient. It may be applied via foliar and/or radicular applications to woody and herbaceous crops.


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